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Minutegirls Page 8

  "The ambassadorial golf cart has been offloaded. We are ready to proceed." Keithley waited while his subordinates preceded him down the gangway. The escort, pistols drawn, formed square around the cart. Keithley and entourage began their 500-foot advance to the Negotiation Facility. He took on faith that a few hundred yards away, entirely out of his line of sight, a European delegation was similarly preparing itself.

  * * * * *

  Every Azores session opened with the same ritual. Each delegation had a long, green baize table and three chairs, each chair with matching pad of paper, two sharpened pencils, pitcher of water, and drinking glass, provided by the delegation's Chief of Quarters in the Azores. Two neutral delegates sat in the far corners of the European side of the room. At a chime, doors on opposite walls slid open. The two delegations filed in. The lighting was so arranged that the armor-glass partition splitting the room in twain was not readily apparent to the Delegates.

  Americans wore black suits and cummerbunds with black tie. Keithley noted that the European Regency Revival was apparently the latest fashion on the wrong side of the Atlantic. The two senior FEU delegates sported at least five major colors, not counting various neckerchiefs. The third European delegate had largely dispensed with clothing. A voice whispered in Keithley's ear. His cerebral override had held Keithley's face in a bland smile, kept his eyes flicking from point to point around the room, and stored the third delegate's image for his contemplation.

  Keithley wondered how his superiors would respond to his report that the final European delegate was a giant cat, legs broken and re-fused so the creature could stand erect. Why, though, had the delegate's knees and pelvis been fused backwards, so it walked like a turkey, clawed feet extending forward while knees bent back? Relearning walking must have been tedious. The body fur was long, striped orange and brown in the manner of a tiger. Could the delegate therefore be assumed to be male, as would likely be the case if the creature were true to its feline origins? How had the Europeans made him? Biosculpting? The Europeans routinely denounced clinical biosculpt treatments. Perhaps it was unsurprising that their complaints against the customs of the Republic had not inhibited their personal behavior.

  The six delegates took their places. The Europeans had called the meeting, so the Americans opened: "I am the American Delegate." "I am the American Associate Delegate." "I am the American Junior Delegate." During the truce negotiations, no representative of the Popular Army had ever spoken her name, a custom maintained by American diplomatic delegations to this day. The Europeans, correspondingly, refused to identify themselves to anonymous foreigners while negotiations were in progress, which they had been for the past 135 years.

  The European Union Delegate took the floor. "The Federal European Union recalls a specific American commitment under Article 357 of the Azores Convention that the United States of America has no interest in and will not attempt to use the Sol hyperspace net. The Federal European Union is concerned that, contrary to its treaty commitments, the United States of America has established a substantial interstellar colony at approximate hypergrid location 013279-02088-R017. The Federal European Union concludes that the United States has violated the Azores Convention by using the Sol hyperspace net, perhaps via an undeclared node linkage--a further violation of the Convention. The Federal European Union recalls the general commitment of each party under the Azores Convention that each party will undertake to undo any advantages gained consequent to its own violations of the operating sections of the Azores Convention. The Federal European Union inquires as to how the United States of America proposes to undo the advantage of having used the hyperspace net to establish an interstellar colony in violation of the Azores Convention."

  Keithley responded with only slight hesitation: "Under Article 357 the United States of America has undertaken not to make use of the hyperspace net described and mapped or partially mapped by the Federal European Union, except after prior consultation with the Federal European Union. To this delegate's knowledge, no such usage has been requested, nor has it occurred. Therefore, to this delegate's knowledge, no violation of Article 357 has occurred. I shall, of course, inquire with New Washington. This delegate would note that he does not recall having yet heard any evidence of a violation of this Article, which refers exclusively to the use of the European hyperspace net. Article 357 does not to the delegate's recollection restrict locations in which Americans are free to live or travel."

  From the frowns on two of their faces, the Europeans did not appear to have anticipated the American response. Relations between the two powers were at best stiffly correct, their limited success being based on an understanding that one might tell the truth or remain silent, but not lie to the other party. The Senior European delegate finally responded. "It is, I believe, scientifically proven that it is impossible to establish large interstellar colonies -- as opposed to astrometric or planetographic observatories -- without recourse to hyperspace. The presence of a very large American colony at the cited location --- data will be supplied supporting this claim --- would appear to be prima facie evidence that Americans have indeed travelled by our hyperspace net, and are therefore in violation of the Azores Convention."

  There was a period of silence. "Pray tell," asked the American Junior Delegate, "for those of us who have not memorized European hypergrid coordinates, in which after all Americans have no interest, where is this node? Its real location, I mean." Keithley nodded in approval of the question. If they had meant Alpha Centauri, why hadn’t they simply said so?

  Now it was the Europeans' turn to hesitate. To FEU interstellar fleets, the only interesting distances were those measured along hypernets. Where was the star system in question? The furry European finally spoke, its English peculiarly accented: "The star is the distance light travels in four years -- American years -- from here. If need be, I can have its name determined using American astrographic nomenclature, in which Europeans have no interest."

  Keithley glanced at his comrades--men whom he never thought of other than as the Associate and Junior Delegates, for all that they had real names, hobbies, and great-grandchildren whose birthdays he'd attended. He hoped the Europeans noticed his glance. Astrography was not the strong point of his education, but four light years was a number possessed of a certain historical magic. Had the Europeans just noticed Lincoln? "There is a unique set of solar systems four light years from here. I thank the Federal European Union delegation for raising with the American delegation a novel and interesting issue. I look forward to receiving the supporting evidence from the European delegation. If the facts were precisely as the European delegation has construed them, including in particular the assertion that Americans have violated Article 357, a statement that requires some supporting evidence, it might be the case that the terms of the Azores Treaty have not precisely been complied with. I can assure the European delegation that there is no American intent, known to me, not to comply with the Azores Convention. In particular, if it were purely hypothetically to be the case that we have--doubtless inadvertently--violated the Azores Convention, we are undoubtedly prepared to render appropriate compensation. I shall refer these issues to New Washington for a prompt and appropriate response."

  "Noted," responded the European Chief Delegate. "Second, we protest violations of Article 5 of the Azores Convention, under which vessels of each party are not to enter into the territory of the other party and are not to fire upon vessels of the other party. Instead, at the aforementioned warp point which because it is a warp point is within the territory of the Union, an American warship was present. The American warship opened fire upon starships of the Union and its Allies, who are represented here." The European Delegate gestured at the European Junior Delegate. "This occurred 8 days ago." The FEU Junior Delegate held up a pocketcomp displaying an exact time. "Entering our territory and firing upon us is a clear violation of Article 5 of the Azores Convention."

  Keithley nodded gravely. The Europeans were supposed
to believe that the event was news to him. He answered: "First, I have not conceded your claim that the alleged location is in fact in the territory of the Federal European Union. Second, I have not conceded your claim that an American warship fired at anyone, except of course in self-defense against an undoubtedly unprovoked attack of the Federal European Union, an event that I have also neither conceded nor claimed occurred. I allow that your supporting evidence for this claim will also be forthcoming. The United States has no interest in breaking the Azores Convention, in particular Article 5, and I do not concede that such an event has occurred. Finally, I take note of your claim that an unspecified foreign power having starships has had the misfortune to ally itself with the Union. This misfortune is a regrettable but fortunately entirely correctable error."

  Keithley peered meaningfully at the furry European. Which obscure foreign country had gotten into extreme bodysculpting as an art form, and was also deploying armed starships? They might be worth talking to separately, assuming that they could be identified, and assuming that Secretary of State Cornelius could be inveigled into invest a little less of his time on his gastronomic revival campaign and a little more of his time on a topic as esoteric as relations with foreign countries. Ordinarily, foreign affairs were left entirely to Keithley and his two associates. He completed his response: "I am grateful to the European delegation for raising with the American delegation additional interesting issues, which I shall refer to New Washington for a suitable and timely response."

  "Finally," announced the EU delegate, "I come to the primary topic of this discussion. Article 599 allows joint consultation on mutual security interests. It is the belief of the Federal European Union that an issue of mutual security has arisen that requires unified action of all of the Earth's nations, together with concerted application of all of mankind's resources in a coherent, logical, socially-responsible manner. We observe, however, that much of the resources of the Solar System are under the mismanagement of the social reactionaries of the American Regime." The room's figurative temperature plummeted. Keithley tried unsuccessfully to remember the last time the Europeans had descended to invective. A subvocal question to Delegate Support produced no immediate response. It had not happened in the current century; of that much Keithley was certain.

  "We therefore call upon the United States to put these resources to efficient use, namely by withdrawing its Armed Forces from Mercury, Venus, the Kuiper Belt, the four outer planets, and whatever other places you Americans have occupied, and permitting the peaceful occupation of these places by the Federal European Union and its allies. Naturally, residents of these places will be allowed to continue their life without interruption, so long as they comply with the European Union laws, and abandon American social-reactionary practices, especially those comprising the competitive market system and private ownership of weapons, in favor of the social market system and the state monopoly on force. However, we entirely respect the terms of the Azores Accord, and will work peacefully to pursue this objective. We further urge that the United States finally recognize the failure of its absurd laissez-faire economic policies and work to a date when the rational socially-responsible policies of all civilized nations under the social market system are also applied to America. I have a proposed detailed timetable for the transfer of territories, which as our final negotiating point I request that you transmit to New Washington. That is my final statement."

  Keithley glared across the armorglass wall. The Europeans truly had no shame. At least, their bureaucrats had no limits to their greed. "I thank the European delegate for raising this proposal, which I will bring to the attention of New Washington for its undoubtedly swift and pointed rejection. As you have presented your issues, and the neutral Delegates are transferring your supporting materials, this session is now at a close." Keithley rose and stiffly led his fellow American delegates from the room.

  Chapter 5

  "It is entirely natural that the Federal European Union's military services be rationalized along the same sound lines being applied to all other aspects of European life. We are the heirs of Wellington and Napoleon, Nelson and deGrasse, Zhukhov, Rommel, and Frumkin; history demands that we honor our illustrious heritage of military excellence. Primary responsibility for each arm of the service shall reside with a single of the original nation-states that now comprises our perfect and indivisible Union. Opposition to rationalized armed forces is Anti-Union propaganda. Authors of anti-Union propaganda are not protected by the Statement of Basic Liberties, because they are seeking to overthrow those liberties. I have directed EuroPol to evolve an efficient, effective, and humane method of bettering the unfortunate attitudes of these authors."

  ...Hans Van Leeuwen, Executive Secretary of the Federal European Union, Report to the Federal European Union Supreme Senate at the direction of the German, French, British, and Italian Governments, October 18, 2034

  "Naturally, in making these remarks, there was no need to explain that of the three adjectives describing the EuroPol methods, only the first two were of any significance. After all, there is a reason that they are called the European State Political Police."

  ...Hans Van Leeuwen, Executive Secretary of the Federal European Union, Private Diary,October 18, 2034



  0915 EUROPA TIME (ET) 28 APRIL 2174

  "Good morning, my Admiral," Fleet Captain Villiers said warmly. She was tied to her desk by electro-optical interlinks. Military courtesy specified the alternative to a standing salute. She stiffened her back, setting long-cut amber hair waving above her royal blue tunic and vest. "Another late evening?"

  "Good morning, Genevieve." Fleet High Admiral Bernard Rohan answered. "Indeed. I had a prolonged and rational discussion with the Commander of the English Fleet Marines. Marshal Smith was remarkably persuasive and vigorous with her arguments. However, I was successful at satisfying her…questions." England was not technically a member of the Union, but the ancient military agreements still held. He told himself that it was only an accident that Villiers’ posture of respect always strained the top of her blouse-front, which StarFleet could perfectly well have designed more expansively.

  "Ah, vigorous. Yes," Villiers answered. "How fortunate for StarFleet Europa that your vigor can always rise to the occasion, so that it is always our budgets that have been protected. In the meantime, there is the Intelligence briefing at 10:00. Light Lord T'renrensen and his staff have set up quarters and facilities, and are ready to meet with you at 11:00. The President wishes to speak with you after you have spoken with T'renrensen."

  "T'renrensen at 11?" Rohan asked. The Gisbures were usually very fond of meetings that ended at sunrise.

  "I knew Marshal Smith would be very persuasive, my Admiral, so you might be delayed this morning. Yes?" Villiers said.

  "Ah, yes. Persuasive. Exhaustingly persuasive, though not unpleasantly so." Rohan tried not to sound tired.

  "Never unpleasantly, my admiral, and doubtless for you not that exhausting," Villiers answered. "Not for my Admiral. Your morning reports wait in your office, along with your coffee with milk and croissants."

  "Ah, well. Another day of victory for the Union. Another day closer to the final solution to the American challenge." Rohan waved a cheery good morning to his Staff Captain and stepped into his office.



  0918 ET 28 APRIL 2174

  Rohan's shoes sank soundlessly into the deep pile of his office's burgundy carpet. The smell of coffee and buttered rolls caressed his nostrils. It was a fine time to be alive. Nonetheless, his duties awaited. Thirty-two hours of work, the lawful maximum, were allowed him for the week, no matter what tasks were demanded of him. Fortunately, no Frenchman would ever imagine suggesting that his voluntary private negotiations with Marshal Smith counted as work, no matter how strenuous she became at t

  He poured coffee, sank into his armchair--a certified Sixth Republic antique--and stared at the far wall. "The challenge!" he commanded. “After all, this is breakfast.” The office computer replaced a featureless gray wall with a world map. Asia, Africa, and South America were pastel checkerboards. The Union, from the Atlantic through the Urals to remote Yakutsk, was a solid swatch of EU blue, broken only by still-independent Switzerland and the Scandinavian League. Beyond Yakutsk, from Vladivostok though Greenland, from the North Pole south through Mexico, was the United States, its Mexican, Canadian, Siberian, Manchurian, and above all Quebecois regions in slightly different shades of red. He offered a toast, coffee sweet with sugar, to the forthcoming liberation.

  His intelligence staff would be with him in three-quarters of an hour. Now was the time for him to set his thoughts in order. That had worked for Foch, who began every plan with the first line "Defeat the Enemy". He would not remind his Intelligence Chief of whom the enemy had been. Colonel Beyerlein retained a slightly different perspective on these things.